This book has a lot of the key components that made Midnight in Everwood such a success. The magical fairytale setting is there, with the dark undertones of the true reality of the storyline. Midnight in Everwood was always going to be an extremely hard act to follow, though, and will always be my favourite.
This would work extremely well as a whirlwind movie – the plot lends itself to great camera work and repetition. As a book that isn’t so endearing and the constant repetitive pattern of parties and painting frustrated me along with the rather large amount of similes – many in the first chapter. I was reading an uncorrected proof however.
To compare it to the retelling that it’s based upon would be to do it a disservice. It’s that and so much more. It’s a combination of Great Gatsby and Swan Lake – elements of Romeo and Juliet and snatched moments of romance.
The sweetness and sugarplum of Everwood is not here in Upon a Frosted Star, but that’s to be expected. The frost, chill and desperation of Swan Lake is here in swathes though, the darkness, the bright snow, the dancing, the bittersweet culmination of it all – very much present.

About the Book
The invitations always arrive the same way – without warning, appearing around the city on the first snowfall of the year, simply inscribed with ‘Tonight.’
When struggling artist, Forster, finds an invitation, he’s bewitched by the magic of the evening, swept up in the glamour of this notorious annual party and intrigued as to who is behind them.
Determined to find out more about the mysterious host, Forster discovers an abandoned manor house silent with secrets and a cursed woman who is desperate to be free…
About The Author
M.A. Kuzniar spent six years living in Spain, teaching English and travelling the world which inspired her children’s series The Ship of Shadows. Her adult debut novel Midnight in Everwood was inspired by her love of ballet and love of The Nuctracker. She lives in Nottingham with her husband, where she reads and writes as much as she can and bookstagrams as @cosyreads.
Photo credit www.mariakuzniar.co.uk

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