the swap

This was a quick and fast-paced read for me. I wanted to find out what happens, at the same time I was constantly challenged with the thought of ‘what would I do…?’

Early on in the book we find out that Tess and Annie have had IVF three years previously and have given birth to a son and a daughter. An accident at the start of the book in Surrey, England, highlights immediately to Tess that her son is not her own – confirmed by a DNA test. Meanwhile, we also meet Annie who is in Florida, blissfully unaware that the beautiful daughter she and her husband is raising is not her own. The book picks up pace as the clinic confirms their worst nightmare and we follow the two families in their respective homes as they collide with their conscience and morals.

The characters were strong, built up well but the descriptions of Tess and Annie were very different. Tess was painted as an elegant woman, Annie an overweight bumbling person. Sometimes the words used to describe Annie’s actions were a bit random – she ‘bounded’ up the stairs. In another chapter she struggles to keep up. It was a bit bizarre.

The storyline was good and that’s what attracted me to this book in the first place – but I felt that it could have been polished a little better in the end. Nevertheless, I wanted and needed to finish this book and see what conclusion was made and wasn’t disappointed that I did.

This book will be published in Hardback in September 2019 but is available on Kindle at the moment for the cost of £9.99.



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