Growing Brave by Donna Ashworth

From £14.99

In this powerful new collection of wisdom and poetry, Donna Ashworth helps us to find strength and courage on the days we feel lost, to pick ourselves up when times are hard, to soothe fear and self-doubt when we are in their grip, and to let in more life and love as we brave our challenges.

Published 3 Sept 2024

About the Book…

Wild Hope is Donna Ashworth’s powerful new collection of wisdom to help us find hope, peace, self-acceptance and inspiration on the days we feel worn down, helpless or sad. Written with love and understanding, Donna reminds us that amidst our daily struggles and constant outpourings of bad news we have so much to hope for, and that every one of us can play a part, big or small, in making the world a better place.

With poems such as ‘Surrounded by Treasure’, ‘That Thing You Do’, ‘Through the Wringer’ and ‘Rope Ladder’, Donna helps us to remember that most people in this world are good, and that acts of kindness and love within our individual spheres of influence, however small, all contribute to a better future. She also gently guides us, no matter how busy or overburdened we may be, to practice better self-care and self-acceptance. Hope exists when nothing else can.

About the Author…

Donna Ashworth is a Sunday Times bestselling poet who lives in the hills of Scotland with her husband, two sons, and Brian and Dave (the dogs).




Donna Ashworth



Page Count



3 Sept 2024



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